Friday, August 27, 2010

A Segue Day

This is an unplanned post. But as loyal readers know by now, this is an eclectic blog — about becoming more Green, but just as importantly about the people I meet, the things I learn, and the adventures I have along the way.

This is a post about Cassie, my great niece on my husband’s side. Yes — Great Niece— both literally and figuratively. That makes me sound old, but on Cassie's side of the family I am a great-great-aunt several times over, and on the other side a great aunt only recently.

Back to Cassie…blogger, student, mom, and intern in an ad agency. Her summer blog request for women’s letters to their twenty-something selves was a huge success and landed her on NPR and the New York Times

Not bad for a 22-year-old! Can you tell I am very proud of her?

I sent her a letter. She published it on her site today. I invite you to check it out. 

Think of this as a TGIF segue from the usual routine. I’ll be back to things Green the next time around.


  1. The fruits of your grand niece's initiative are a welcome gloss on last week's NYT Magazine article on 20-somethings, which I found a bit too glib to totally convince me. Kudos !

  2. Very cool! Enjoyed your blog..Can't wait to see you in a few months! Don't bring almonds! :)
    Need to learn how to do this too! Pam
